other club activities and initiatives

Our club values a holistic approach to sports development, fostering not only athletic skills but also a sense of community and camaraderie. We are excited about extra volleyball activities and initiatives that aim to enhance our family-like culture and engagement among all club members. These activities are coordinated efforts that require planning and accord among coaching staff, team parents, and the club staff. We encourage your active participation and enthusiasm in these endeavors:

A) Team Bonding Events:
   - Team bonding events are to be organized at least once a month. These activities can take place before or after a practice, during tournaments, or on planned dates.
   - The team parent will work closely with the coaching staff and, when necessary, with the team parent coordinator and the club director to plan and execute these events. The goal is to create opportunities for team members to bond and develop a strong, supportive, and united team spirit.

B) Gifts and Tokens of Support:
   - Teams are encouraged to create gifts or tokens of support for other teams within the club. These can include snacks, cookies, gift boxes, or banners and signs directed to the whole team or specific players.
   - These gestures are intended to foster a culture of support and camaraderie among all our teams. They are great to be given before or during tournaments to enhance the overall experience.

C) Coordinated Multiple Teams Bonding Events:
   - Periodically, we will organize bonding events that involve multiple teams within the club. These events serve as an opportunity for players to interact with their peers from other teams and build connections beyond their immediate teammates.

D) Non-Volleyball Related Activities:
   - We believe in a well-rounded approach to club life. Non-volleyball-related activities, such as community service or fun outings, may be organized to provide a break from training and games while building club spirit.

E) Community Engagement and Fundraising:
   - Our club is committed to engaging with the community. Fundraising activities, charity initiatives, or participation in community events will be planned to promote a sense of giving back and community involvement.

F) College Volleyball Match Attendance:
   - As a club, we aim to attend college volleyball matches or tournaments to watch high-level play, learn, and enjoy the sport. These outings are designed to mobilize the entire club and create memorable experiences.

G) Other Approved Activities:
   - Activities not listed above may be planned and approved by the coaching staff, team parents, and club staff if they align with the club's values and goals.

Players and families participation, enthusiasm, and support are vital in making these activities successful. They contribute to building a strong and supportive club community that goes beyond the volleyball court. We look forward to organize those activities, and count on all to fill them with camaraderie and memorable experiences.